Russia & Kazakhstan Korea Tour Seminar

2016-12-02 12:35

- AnyRidge / i-Gen attract Russia and Kazakhstan-

As more and more Russian and Kazakhstanian users are showing their interests on AnyRidge and R2GATE, we have invited 60 dentists and held a seminar on November 3rd to demonstrate the various applications of AnyRidge system and R2 Navi Guide. It was held at the Seminar Room in DaeGu MIR Dental Hospital.

Dr. Kwang-Bum Park lectured on ‘AnyRidge System design specialty with soft tissue management’ and ‘Introduction of MegaGen GBR & i-Gen Products,’ and shared his long-term cases using MegaGen products. Also, his live surgery using R2GATE Guide demonstrated how complicated cases can be easier.

It was a very good opportunity to show off the excellence of MegaGen products. Also, we have provided visitors with MIR Dental Hospital/MegaGen HQ factory tour, and cultural experiences time as well to give them the best and informative time in Korea.