The total solution kit to remove broken pieces easily when fixture, abutment or screw are fractured.
Fixture Remover To remove the fixture. When selecting a Fixture Remover, consider the outer diameter of a Fixture. In case of AnyRidge Fixture that the thread is formed under platform, select a Fixture Remover according to platform size
Fixture Remover Screw To connect fixture and Fixture Remover.
Torx Driver To connect fixture removal screw to a fixture.
Torque Wrench • TW500 : To check torque force when removing fixture. • TW70 : To check torque force when tightening Fixture Remover Screw.
Abutment Remover To remove fractured abutment.
Screw Remover To remove fractured screw.
Screw Remover Guide To secure the Screw Remover from moving side to side when removing the screw.
Screw Remover Guide Holder Tool to support the Screw Remover Guide.
Hex Remover To remove hex-damaged Abutment Screw, Cover Screw or Healing Abutment.
911 Fixture Removal kit
This is a simplified version of 911 kit, only to use for fixture removal.
Torx Driver
To connect fixture removal screw to a fixture.
To connect fixture removal screw to a fixture.
Fixture Remover
To remove the fixture. When selecting a Fixture Remover, consider the outer diameter of a Fixture. In case of AnyRidge Fixture that the thread is formed under platform, select a Fixture Remover according to platform size
To remove the fixture. When selecting a Fixture Remover, consider the outer diameter of a Fixture. In case of AnyRidge Fixture that the thread is formed under platform, select a Fixture Remover according to platform size
Fixture Remover Screw
To connect fixture and Fixture Remover.
To connect fixture and Fixture Remover.