B I O L O G I C A L LY- D R I V E N F I X E D F U L L – A R C H T H E R A P Y

English 2023-07-27 PDF Case Discussions 1406 MARK KWON, DMD
July 27, 2023

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B I O L O G I C A L LY- D R I V E N F I X E D F U L L - A R C H T H E R A P Y

T H E D O U B L E - A R C H D I L E M M A

“The ultimate goal in dentistry is to regain the form, function, and longevity of oral structures…” This
was the mantra I was taught and have continued to preach since I graduated dental school back in
the 90’s. In my daily clinical endeavours, one of the toughest full-arch rehabilitation challenges that
I face is finding a solution for double-arch terminal dentition with a collapsed vertical dimension of
occlusion (VDO). Although many technological advancements have occurred over the past decade,
the simplicity and usefulness of the conventional approach cannot be overlooked. Therefore, this
clinical case review will present a systematic approach to solve occlusally-challenging full-arch
terminal dentition by combining the conventional analog approach with the latest digital technology,
thereby delivering immediate provisional prostheses in a minimally invasive manner possible.
Ultimately, it is not about WHAT we use but HOW we utilize the knowledge and technology that we
have in our toolbox today.

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